Why I love the C9 program

C9 means 9 days of clean living; it is the way to reboot your metabolism and learn how you can build healthy habits for better living and improved health and physical stamina while at the same time staying true to who you are.

What I used to hate about the traditional diets is how restrictive they are. And how you actually count days and hours until you end it so you can dive back into the fridge and stuff yourself with the foods you craved and dreamed of all those long days while you were on a diet – or better said, while you were punishing yourself.

I truly believe that with self-flagellation (jumping in the other extreme of highly intensive physical exercising) or by inflicting emotional pain by very restrictive diets one cannot reach much of success. And by success I mean long term and sustainable results. Not the immediate drop in kg as much as what happens to your body and your mind once the draconian program ended and you are left to fend for yourself.

C9 provides you a frame in which you can make your own program, tailored to your life style and preferences, and to your personal goals.

For example, in some families breakfast together is important family time, while for others dinner is the most important meal of the day. While following the program guidelines and staying within the lines, you can make your own eating plan to fit your priorities. And you can actually enjoy the entire process rather than starve yourself and feel miserable.family dinner

Here is one of the family dinners I was mentioning from one of my C9’ers. Healthy and delicious dinner she shared with her family.

lazy dinnerAnd then you have others who either don’t want the burden of elaborate cooking or are too tired after a full day at work. Not to worry, following the guidelines of the program, you can still feed yourself healthy without having to pretend being a Michelin star chef.

Eating right doesn’t have to be a very painful process.

C9 gives you the tools to continue: you learned that a little extra exercising can go a long way. Your metabolism is working well. You rediscovered the pleasure or simple and healthy meals.

Best of all, you don’t have to go through it all on your own, as a shameful secret you carry around hoping no one will notice. Your Forever Living consultant will be by your side every step of the way. Not to yell or scold or say “I told you so”. But to make sure you are adapting the C9 program to your personal needs and personal goals. To remind you to drink sufficient water – it happens to the best of us 🙂 To answer your questions and share from experiences – own and others that were coached. To encourage you and provide emotional support when needed.


And if you do this together with other fellow C9-ers, close friends or complete strangers, the entire experience hits a whole new level of bonding and camaraderie. Because this is not a competition. It is a common effort.

I just completed my C9 program together with a small group I coached through. We shared laughs and we shared moments and experiences that brought us closer. The immediate results in average for the group: 4 cm less in the waist/ 3 to 4 kg less in weight.



Our skin looks better – it is glowing! And we are full of energy!

One of the girls who was having troubles with gastritis has not had any more episodes since DAY 2 of the program.

We have conquered back our wardrobe! Dug out dresses we liked so much but couldn’t zip up in a long while.

All this achieved in 9 days!

But, what is more important: that we understood that this is only the beginning of a better us. This program has helped us transform into better versions of ourselves, leaner but also more committed as ever to continue building our healthy habits: eat right, exercise, pay attention to our health.

Here is what one of my C9 group members (35 year old girl) had to say:

“I recommend the C9 because it is very good introduction to healthy lifestyle and habits. My favourite products are Aloe Gel, Shake, Garcinia and Therm tablets. I feel great! Proud of what I achieved already and ready to continue!”

The Forever C9 program helps people feel better in their own skin and learn how to take better care of themselves with love. Too many are unhappy with themselves and punish themselves with crazy diets or just have low self-esteem. C9 helps people love themselves, accept themselves and build healthier habits for a better life. With care and patience.


This is me during C9 (Day6): a better me.

An S size me!

Full of energy so much that I could participate a 3 h Zumba marathon. Exercising can and should be fun. Some prefer the gym while others do bicycling or jogging. I Zumba. I am not professional; you can easily imagine my Zumba dancing by drawing a parallel with Phoebe’s running (reference from Friends TV series). But that is not the point. The point is to do what you love. Do it with confidence and enjoying every moment of it.

The transformed me. Feeling much better in my own skin.

The program helped me and I believe it can help you, too.

And this is why I promise you that C9 is one of the best decisions you can make if you want to change something. With love and enjoying the process under the caring guidance of a Forever C9 coach.